What is "Wot is a book?"

Wot is a book?, Exhibition at Library at the Dock.June 26th-July 26th, 2018.
“For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.” ― T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets
An exhibition of books by students in Communication Design in the School of Design, RMIT University, that speculate on the futures of the book in the digital age.
These experimental works test the boundaries of the book, and explore new publication design practices that have the potential to move fluidly between print and digital experiences. In this research, print and digital practices are not considered in opposition, but instead become spaces that come together to form the post-digital experience. These books have the potential to give voice to next year’s words. —Andy Simionato (Studio lead, Wot is a book?)
Bookworks (2018) by
Adrian Franzese
Anna Campbell
Astro Storer
Boqiang Tang (Parkon)
Chiara Croserio
Chloe Marshall Roth
Gemma Bilby
Harriet Wallis
Jamieson Cosgriff
Jingyao Pan
Joseph Eddy
Ka Yi Wong (Alexa)
Luyao Dong
Paul Putrapanudiana Kuhn
Sarah Wong
Wan Kai Liu
Yifan Shen
Yiyao Su
Exhibition team (2018)
Anna Campbell, Boqiang Tang, Gemma Bilby, Jingyao Pan, Ka Yi Wong, Luyao Dong, Paul Putra Panudiana Kuhn, Wan Kai Liu
Special thanks (2018)
Library at the Dock staff: Bronwyn Roper, Georgie Nicholson, Ashley Higgs, Richard Buck
Web design: Karen ann Donnachie
Wot is a BookRMIT UniversityLibrary at the Dock